
Activating human creative potential to co-create our regenerative future.

Institute of Creative Entrepreneurship

Arts + Sciences + Technology for Our Regenerative Future

A contemporary learning container aimed to cultivate self-actualization, experimentation, and innovation through new ways of engaging education.

that amplifies creativity and fosters open innovation to transform human existence. At our core, we are accessible, inclusive, and collaborative. Our community is composed of multi-cultural residents and visitors. Together we embark on learning journeys that empower people to connect more deeply with themselves, each other, and the planet.

We are a living educational experiment creating brave new models of learning

Times have changed

Why haven’t our education models?

The results of the traditional education system has long been a topic of debate, with empirical evidence indicating that it falls short of providing learners with the necessary skills for success. Standardized testing stifles creativity and learning, while relentless emphasis on grades can discourage students from pursuing their passions and taking risks.

We have come to a precipice of realization that now is the time to re-evaluate and remodel the existing educational paradigm. Our aim is to develop agile learner led models that remain flexible to expansion or new inputs as technology continues to advance and our environment changes.

We welcome..

Collaboration. Does empowering and safeguarding sovereign self-directed learning, creating, and realizing excite you? Could you be a future partner, regenerative land steward, artist, creator or collaborator? We are currently seeking solutionists and implementors to realize the Envision Institute.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

-R . Buckminster Fuller

Can we envision a more inclusive, empowered, creative and regenerative world?

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